Victuals Goods

Victuals and Goods script is considered one of the primary system products that allow you to create unlimited kinds of roleplay food, drinks, medicines, potions, poisons, drugs, or whatever you can think of that suits your game needs.

Products you create using the script work side-by-side with the combat and roleplay Core System to (heal and/or damage) any of the available life attributes (health/stamina/hunger/thirst/blood/fatigue/sickness/hygiene), the script allows you to set the value (any number) and the type of effect like (damage or heal) for the chosen attribute.


Players can add poisons and potions "that are creator customized and database-listed" to consumable items (food or drinks) by rezzing on the ground and clicking them; a menu would pop up that holds a list of poisons or potions (database listed along with their effects). The poison or potion (damage or heal) effect would replace the original food or drink effect.
All the poisons and potions effects can be customized over the database and would change grid-wide in case you wanted to change how they affect players without changing the product itself.

  • Access control (owner/group/public):
    Script allows the creator and the owner to modify the script for access either within the script or using a drop down menu when clicked.
  • Players need to be near enough to be able to use the item, creators can adjust the distance within the script.
  • Scripts check if the players touching the items are actually system players or random players.
  • Option to delete the item (kill it) when its over or finished within the script.