Script Shop combat and roleplay system is very advanced, rich in features, professionally developed, and unique (full permissions and limited edition) combat, roleplay, farming, crafting, and currency system that's extremely easy to set up and use. The system uses the latest scripting and coding techniques and versions. The system is updated quarterly and sometimes monthly if needed, so we ensure the next owner gets the best quality and high-performance system.


The system contains up to eight life attributes we can manipulate throughout the game:
health, stamina, hunger, thirst, fatigue, sickness, blood, and hygiene; we can affect these attributes in many ways: eat to heal hunger, rest to heal tiredness...etc. Likewise, we can heal or damage any of the available attributes one way or another.


Every character has capabilities defined by six ability scores, ability scores are your character's primary statistics and pretty much determine how good they are at doing anything, these stats consist of strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma.

An ability check tests a character's innate talent and training to overcome a challenge. For every ability check, the system decides which of the six abilities is "relevant to the task" at hand and the difficulty of the task, represented by a "Difficulty Class".

Difficulty Classes [DC] represents the difficulty "very easy to nearly impossible" of any given skill check; It is a number you have to match or beat for your skill check to succeed. Anything you do uses one or more of your abilities, and DC checks if you can or have the skills to do a specific task or thing.


Every character belongs to a race; the most common "default" player character races are humans. Your race increases one or more of your ability scores. Races provide racial bonuses to the character, and classes distinguish the game-play experience. Class determines how you play, and race gives you bonuses.

The system is class-oriented; a class is really who you are and what you do; class is the role you play. Classes are there to give you some help with roleplay and to help define things about your roleplay character. They also form a template for what you can do for the minimum and maximum attributes that your character can have as they evolve through your career.

The system contains unique classes to choose from; every player would have a specific class like "farmer, baker, blacksmith, servant, alchemist..." each class is specialized in something. For example, only farmers can farm, gather fruits, interact with fields, plant, and harvest.

The system uses such a mechanism to force players to meet and communicate since each player is specialized in creating different items. Hence, players need each other to survive.

Players can choose one of two genders available (male/female), they can do choose genders when they first attach the meter or using a command that opens a drop-down menu with the available gender names, each gender has its own sounds, as an owner you can change the sound UUIDs to your own preferred sounds.

The system also supports custom labels, players can create/remove their own meter display labels, using simple commands.

You can add unlimited custom races and ability-racial-bonus and unlimited custom classes and class-hit-dice using the database tables designed to carry all the races and classes information and the system grid-wide.


Script Shop's system is a combat and roleplay game system that focuses on a player character's progression through the game. in many RPG, characters start as fairly weak and untrained, when a sufficient amount of experience is obtained, the character "levels up", achieving the next stage of character development, such an event usually increases the character's attributes, abilities, and statistics, such as maximum hit points, and stamina points, and may permit the character to to earn points that are used to improve abilities, as your character goes on adventures and overcomes challenges, he or she gains experience, represented by experience point, a character who reaches a specified experience point total advances in capability, this advancement is called gaining a level.

The level system is configured where players earn experience points by various means and automatically level up, gain points that are used to enhance abilities. typically, a character starts at 1st level and advances in level by gaining experience points (XP). Starting off at 1st level marks your character’s entry into the adventuring life. a 1st-level character is inexperienced in the adventuring world and has 0 experience points XP.

An experience point (often abbreviated to exp or XP) is a unit of measurement used in role-playing games (RPG) to quantify a player character's progression through the game. Experience Points are generally awarded for the completion of missions, overcoming obstacles and opponents, and for successful role-playing.

Players earn experience points, reach higher levels by camping or using some farming and crafting systems, or using any of the xp earning tools, high level players can use different crafting and farming systems you decide which level can use which item and earn more roleplay currency, sure as an owner you can modify and improve this feature to do even more.

There is a special XP and levels database table allows you to control the number of levels and XP required, along with the rewards for leveling up.


The currency system is multi-type; coins [copper, silver, and gold] are the roleplay currencies we use in gameplay (you can change the type names to your preferred types). We earn coins by rewards, leveling up, winning in combat, trading (selling the roleplay items we create using the system) with other players, and working at any of the land facilities "taverns, barns, smithies...etc."

The currency system is very huge with many tools to enrich your roleplay game like "wallet, vending system, jars, lucky letter board, and currency givers" so simply your system players can do a lot using the roleplay currency, like trading goods, sharing with other players, working to earn currency and make a living, and you as an owner you can create a lot using the currency system.


The system supports both melee and range combat and comes with its special melee, range, and shield scripts that are using advanced/unique damage calculation functions based on "player character's race/class abilities and weapon base "melee/range" and type "dagger, sword, bat bow...etc", and auto registers players win/loss or kills/deaths in the database in case you like to create a ranking page.

Owners can change everything and damage is calculated based on the weapon dice you choose for each weapon base and type plus player's strength/dexterity ability, so simply you can create limitless weapon types with different dice numbers and ranges, melee weapons (uses strength) and range weapons (uses dexterity) as an ability

Your character’s hit points define how tough your character is in combat and other dangerous situations. your hit points are determined by your hit dice (short for hit point dice), at 1st level, your character has 1 hit die, and the die type is determined by your class.

Combat and player ranking "win/loss - kills/deaths" registration so you can use the database values as a ranking system tables for combat games.


The system detects players' physical actions, "run, jump, fly...etc." and environment settings, "water..." and the system reacts accordingly by affecting certain attributes using any of the specific action abilities; for example, the jump is using dexterity ability and affects energy, run affects fatigue..., you as an owner can decide what actions affect what attributes or even disable some of them to suit your game.


The system contains many different meter display colors, so you can allow each of your game "races/classes/teams" to assign a different color value for more enhanced role play and better visibility.

  • Auto player account name and randomly generated password creation.
  • Auto database player name change if the player second life name changed.
  • Auto gets player profile picture's to be stored in database in case you like to display it on web pages.
  • multi-timers for life attributes checks and activities checks.


The system includes some of the useful commands to make using the system easier for players.

  • /9on: turns meter on.
  • /9off: turns meter off.
  • /9info: displays player's info.
  • /9sex: opens genders menu.
  • /9label label-text: adds a custom display label.
  • /9label remove: removes the custom display label.
  • /9class: opens the classes menu.
  • /9classleave: leaves the current class.
  • /9race: opens the races menu.
  • /9raceleave: leaves the current race.
  • /9colors: displays a list of colors.
  • /9color color-name: changes meter display color.